It is remarkable that neither painting nor room where the meeting took place is announced not even the gender of the person is clear.
Because the search announcement is signed with Geenie, hence a genius (Geenie is ridiculing the german word for genius: Genie) like Rembrandt, with a hysterical second 'e' out of pure - likely caused by hormones - confusion: a scream as signature - not very useful to find the person. It is a private inside perspective, a projection - irrational, undividable and solipsistical. A symptomatical thoughtlessness one could say, a typical manifestation of SCHEIN as separated single appearance. And then to top it all even  with the idea of communication as well - not even artists proceed like that.
But selfdeception works very well as long as one is not disturbed in the middle of it and quite right so one reacts with anger when it busts.

"What is praised higher by poets than the enchanting beautiful stroke of the nightingale in lonely bushes on a still summer evening with the tender light of the moon? Meanwhile there are examples where none such singer has arrived some cheerful host has tricked his entered guests - who came for the enjoyment of the country air - with great satisfaction for them by hiding a frolicsome guy in a bush who knew how to similarly imitate from nature this stroke (with reed or cane in his mouth). But as soon as one becomes aware of the trick nobody can stand for long what has been regarded as so enchanted singing before; and thus it is with any other sing bird. It has to be nature or to be regarded as such by us so that we can take an interest in the beauty as such" says Kant about the beauty of nature and that means that as soon as the fraud - which was not marked as such as it is the case with art - is busted as illusion the aesthetical happyness finishes right away.

"The dialectics of modern art is on a large scale in such a way as to wanting to get rid of the illusion character like animals get rid of a grown antler." (pg.157) so much about the natural beauty at Adorno.

It is a funny thought to imagine a deer that shakes its antler in the woods and a deer, a painting pig in the studio who finally wants to paint the painting without his EGO but on the other hand urgently needs it to get up in the morning. One is cursed with paradoxicalities and with great success there.

No artwork has un-narrowed unity each one has to mislead
people and collides with itself because of this. When confronted with the antagonistical reality the aesthetical unity which opposes itself to it becomes  seemingly immanent
as well. The formulation of art works limited by appearance - their lives would be one with the lives of their moments, but the moments bring the heterogone aspect into them and the appearance becomes false (....) Appearance is the art work not only as antithesis to existence but also towards what it wants of itself. It is cursed with unclearity....."
Still there are these much discussed and enthusiastically celebrated relations in sense and reason. This essential relation of sense in art is but the SCHEIN, appearance.
It integrates art in a connection. "But by integrating art unity-giving sense itself  was created claimed by the art work as being present though with appearance not truly being that. Sense that creates appearance takes part in the illusion character of art at the top level. But still the appearance of the sense is not its complete calling. Because the reason of the art work as well is the entity hiding in reality;(the sense) quotes to the appearance what it (this appearance) otherwise blocks." (page 161)*

We have an appearance
Rainer Maria Rilke, October 1914, Munich,
Complete works, vol. IV, l.,
Leipzig 1927.

"Wir haben eine Erscheinung. Sie steht in den Zimmern, und auf den leeren Plätzen steht sie um Mitternacht, und wenn es Morgen wird, so wird sie deutlicher mit dem Tag, und wir sehen die Häuser durch ihre durchscheinende Gestalt. Ein Revenant ist davon abhängig, wie viele ihn wahrnehmen. Diesen gewahren alle: er ist aus allen Gräbern gestiegen. Alle gewahren ihn. Aber wer erkennt ihn?
Nein. Ihr sollt nicht bekannt tun mit ihm. Ihr sollt ihm nicht das Zubehör und die Zunamen früherer Kriege anhängen, denn ob es gleich ein Krieg ist, so kennt ihr ihn doch nicht. Da man euch Bilder von Greco zeigt, so gabt ihr zu, dass da ein Erleben sei, das ihr nicht kanntet. Und wenn dieser Krieg ein Gesicht hat, so sollt ihr es ansehn wie das Gesicht Amenophis des Vierten, das vorher nicht da war. Ihr sollt davor stehen, wie neulich vor der Tatsache, dass in ein paar Pferden, bisher unangerufen, eine Gegenwart des bestimmtesten Geistes wohnt; ihr sollt als die, die ihr jetzt seid, den leidenschaftlichen Umgang des Todes hinnehmen und seine Vertraulichkeit erwidern; denn was wisst ihr von seiner Liebe zu euch?
Wir haben eine Erscheinung, - und es hat sie mancher angerufen; sie aber weicht nicht und schreitet durch unsere Wände und steht nicht Rede. Weil ihr tut, als kenntet ihr sie.
Erhebt eure Augen und kennt sie nicht; schafft ein Hohles um sie mit der Frage eurer Blicke; hungert sie aus mit Nichtkennen! Und plötzlich, in der Angst nicht zu sein, wird euch das Ungeheure seinen Namen schrein und wegsinken".

*(all parts in itallics are from ästhetische Theorie by Th.W.Adorno /
publisher  Gretel Adorno and Rolf Tiedemann. Frankfurt/M. 1970; 13. edit., 1995.)

Nora Sdun
