Ingrid Scherr: The alldevouring mom
16.02. - 10.03.06

Welcome by
Elke Suhr

Dear guests and friends of EINSTELLUNGSRAUM e.V.

Welcome in the off-art-ghetto, as Ingrid Scherr calls our room here, here in HamburgÕs east, just 5 minutes away from the main station by underground.

I am pleased you have found your way to our subject gallery. So again: welcome and thankyou Ingrid Scherr for this installation. Thanks to the ÔassistantsÕ Peter and Alexander, who have prepared our room here intensivly for this exhibition.

For our concept of the year ÒSTEUERN UND LENKEN EINES WAGENS IN RELATION ZU PERS…NLICHEN UND SACHLICHEN RESSOURCEN IM MORPHOGENETISCHEN FELD"  (steering and leading of a vehicle in relation to personal and factual resources in the morphological field), the 3rd yearly subject, Ingrid Scherr has created for us this installation of large canvas, water colors, sculpture, text- and video installation.
What cannot be seen here, youÕll find in the basement. It is meant this way that here I open the door so-to-say and then each guest looks for his/her path in this field for him/herself.

Signposts assert the approach at the entrance - already visible from the outside. From the middle it is either to the Aggression or to the Eros. Left here is on the right when seen from the outside and vice versa. From the inside the signposts are to be seen together with the passing traffic, hence lead the view beyond the room, give the calm viewer a moment of stillness when he/she can perceive his /her own viewpoint and the routes of the opposite moving direction outside  at the same time.

This getting together of opposites is so-to-say subliminally thematized here, in the basement as well as up here, where the catastrophy is positioned onto a pedestal which again questions its bearing function to some extent in favor of space progression.( see,pict.1)

It seems in fact to be the catastrophy for the alert human being when OPPOSITES come together, when passionate aggression looses its direction through running water everywhere, that is sensibel feeling that opens up in all directions. The idendity looses itself and can be found again only on another level. In the paintings by Ingrid Scherr fire is represented by water and the visible marks it leaves. This step from one medium to quite a different one, from the memory picture to the truly perceived one, seems catastrophic most of the time, someting happens that is loosening but by that is also upsetting.

Ingrid Scherr expects us to get the feel of this border area with her light trans- parent paintings. She presents here her sublime painting like a quotation of that painting itself, at the same time she lets occur in the medial pictur discussion authentical tracks of material penetration. Ingrid Scherr leads the view of the onlooker to the limit with her disintegrating paintings, to the border where on one hand one cannot get further on the other fluid matter gains influence.
Almost romantical here paintings were, that's what she said herself.

With her sign in the window she suggests to us Aggression als alternating pathmarking to Eros.  Who is supposed to decide this?
In Platon's "Guest Meal" Eros is the  personification of love for wisdom and male potency, the spiritual one as well as the physical one. He was not a god for him but rather a demon who leads to presentation of beauty per se.
Leads, stears, channels?

The motif of the carriage driver, who will be cause for reflection within our year subject for 2006, is here an allegory for the integration of Eros and Thanatos, Eros and Aggression, terms from the male linguistic creativity, which in Ingrid Scherr's work are dissolved to pictures, which outmodes each term.

Ingrid Scherr as artist is probably well-known to everyone here, her texts though probably more so than those new paintings between romanticism and agitation.
Let yourself be surprised: in the basement you will find what else she tied as supply to her walkingstick, her handle-bar, her steering wheel.

So I wish you an adventurous and entlighening evening and thankyou for your attention.

