'When thinking about this talk I found more by chance rather informative statements of various experts. Here three of them:
1. -    Mr. Mueller Ötvös (qualified economist with BMW) says: "..ich glaube einfach nicht, dass ein Auto jemals zu einem rein rationalem Produkt wird." (I just do not believe that a car will ever become a simply rational product) DIE ZEIT 6.9.07.
2. -  In "Morgenpost" (local newspaper) of 12.9.07 it says: "Autoverbandschef Matthias Wissmann gibt die Fahrtrichtung vor: "Wir brauchen keine Müsli Autos. Ein Auto muss sexy sein."  (Boss of automobil association Matthias Wissmann gives the driving direction: We do not need Muesli cars. A car has to be sexy)
3. -    Mr. Heinz von Deelen (qualified psychologist and qualified merchant with PhD and 15 years work experience with VW and BMW) follows suit. He claims, that a car is a "sexy product, anders als die Luxusküche oder die Audioanlage - es geht um neue Mythen" (sexy product, different from a luxury kitchen or the stereo equipment - it is about new myths). This quotation is also from DIE ZEIT.

About new myths .....This was truly said by someone who has to be in the knowing....
This leads us back to the EINSTELLUNGSRAUM. The exhibition is in two parts, like the title also suggests.
Constellations & imaginative mobils.
To get to the constellations one goes down in direction 'Hades' paradoxically, but this only because of organizational reasons. Should these not convince we'll refer to artistic freedom. Hence the steps downstairs lead to the firmament, to the constellations.

At all times and places humans have tried to understand and put in order the lights above their heads, so that they could be refound and offer orientation. Orientation in the astrological as well as the astronomical sense. One should follow the glare as to not to sail off the edge of the flat earth, to discover America and to find the love of one's life.
Noticable stars and constellations which can be combined to memorable figures were given mainly from ancient myths like
Mars, Venus, Herakles, Centaur, Monoceros/Squirrel, Pegasus or Phšnix. But there are also modern name: Microscopium/the microscope,Norma/the steel square, or Pictot/ the painter's easel. Original also Antlia/ the air pump. For astronomy the sky areas were finally established in 1928 - celestial bodies that are visible with the naked eye. Finally? Brigitte Bech seems to have a
different opinion because in her stary sky - adjusted to present myths - are also the turbotruck, the gear unit or the triplets: the
three VW beetle blinkers. As weird as the idea might seem it is not out of place in the presence of our car obsesiveness.  The point of thought is this: What would be if we would have the opportunity here and now to give the star configurations names? Centaurs, Herakles, the love goddess Venus or Pegasus have fallen into oblivion mainly, appear maybe in crosswords still. Their mythical power has disappeared being replaced by new momentarily relevant and active myths. And one of the strongest happens to be the automobil - who could deny this?

By this we get to the second part of this exhibition. The artist has parked her
imaginative mobils in the EINSTELLUNGSRAUM using this gallery as garage. To remind of the three above mentioned auto experts - if sexy product or muesli car - in both cases it is about a transsubstantiation, an alchemistic metamorphosis from metal and plastic into something very different possibly even something immaterial - power, beauty, potency, wealth, stile, modernity or even the allover liked sexyness. The glare of the vehicle falls onto the owner and transfers to him or her the according qualities. Brigitte Bech has reduced the car to a collection of holes by her technique of 'drawing with the drill', very many little 'nothings' added up to get to a large 'nothing'. This 'nothing'-conglomerat is awakened to life so-to-say by the glare of the light and non-glare of the shadow, the on-looker takes part at the myth of the automobile.
Not only by looking but if you like: be palpably activ. Be the creator of your own appearance, take one of the here parked '
imaginative mobils', take one of the offered light sources and play around with the produced projection. The artist will show you how in a few minutes.

At the end a short reference to
Stanislav Lem and 'Der Futurologische Kongress' ('The futurological congress')  and the reading by Jule Weigel at the occasion of the finissage  on October 10th, 2007.